Monday to Friday 7:30am to 5:00pm
Saturdays 7:30am to 4pm
Sundays / Public Holidays 8am to 3pm


Every Sandale horse rug is literally tailor made, measured and cut to suit the size and breed of your animal.

While some commercial operations fabricate up to 20 rugs at a time, Sandale rugs are individually cut. This means edges that don’t fray, a finer finish, and ultimately a garment that’s a better fit and more comfortable for your horse.

Sandale horse rugs and hoods are sewn with Rasant thread.  a blend of polyester core and cotton covering,ensures that stitching will not rot, and stitch lines will not leak. The fabrics used are top quality. We do not sacrifice quality for cost.

For a longer life, Sandale Horse Rugs are fitted with brass snaps, as opposed to less durable plastic or nickel options.

If you have any questions about choosing a Horse Rug, contact us via phone or email.


You will need a tailor’s tape measure or similar as it needs to be completely flexible. If you do not have one, you can always use some string to do the measurements, and then measure the lengths of string against a ruler to get the inch measurement.

1. With your tape measure, measure a line from the centre of the horse’s chest, via it’s shoulder and side, to a point level with the extreme end of your horse.

2. Sometimes it can also be useful to have a neck measurement. For this you will need to measure from the front of the wither where the rug starts, down the shoulder to a point level with the top of chest. It is important for this measurement that the tape measure is held slightly ‘slack’ so that it follows the natural curve of the body as shown below.